Monday 9 May 2011

He's Back! Back in....Purple?

I've noticed that my blog has become a bit black and white recently with the projects I am working on, I'm missing working in colour so hopefully this can be the balance!

I've been thinking for a long while about my web comics, what the format should be, the style and how I can keep them consistent. I've decided that I want to try and do some three panel comics, like the old school ones you find in the back of the newspaper. Funny comics that tell a simple joke or funny pun, Kind of inspired by the old Garfield strips.

So I've decided to start off by doing some strips with Melvin (from Trail) as the main character since he's my favorite! You should expect some terrible puns and cheesy jokes.

Also, I made the decision to freshen up Melvin's image and make the drawing a little simpler to suit the comic style. I've given him a fancy purple coat which i think works well, I hope you like his new image!

I'll be doing a few different strips centered around different characters in this format too, possibly one about a robot! Keep an eye out.