Monday 14 February 2011

Carl Ikbread - People with food names - Part 3

Happy Monday everyone, and valentines day....No?.....OK

Hopefully I can cheer you all up a bit with drawings of more people with food names! I had a long discussion about this in the pub on Saturday with some pal's and some new people i met. We managed to come up with loads of new funny names...not that i can remember any of them at all! There's probably enough material to keep me going for the whole year if i wanted.

Awww, Here goes!


Name - Carl Ikbread
Occupation - Motivational speaker

Carl Ikbread is a motivational speaker that has some really good things to say. The only problem is no one wants to see him and he is generally avoided. His terrible body Oder is a menace, even deodorant doesn't get rid of it. He doesn't mind though, he has good taste which sometimes people just cant resist.


Name - Chris P. Bakon
Occupation - DJ

Chris P Bakon is a world renowned DJ and headlined this years Brek Fest along with his good friend MC Ash Brown. They're hit single Gimmie Dat Bacon got to number one in about a million country's or something. Chris P. Bakon is currently working on his side project with the Bacon Brothers.


Name - Mel Teaser

Occupation - Receptionist/Sectary

Mel Teaser is a receptionist and works in a large office block made from honeycomb. She doesn't even need glasses she just wears them as part of her look. Teaser by name and Teaser by nature.

You can't have this, You can't have this, La La La


Name - Wally T. Street

Occupation - Traffic Warden

Often confused with a Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man wally T. Street is  a MASSIVE idiot. He's a traffic warden, a terrible one at that. He creates more traffic accidents than he prevents.

So there's four more characters, i hope you liked them. Thanks to everyone that sent in names to me and again if you haven't seen yours yet keep checking back.

...and as ever keep sending more in!

If you want to check back over the other people with food names drawings they can be found here:

People with food names part 1
People with food names part 2