Thursday 27 January 2011

Birthday times

This weekend I plan to have an epic three day party to celebrate my birthday! The weekend will be full of Adventures, magic, music, and lots of things with some great friends and I can't wait. I get to see some of my friends who live far far away, all visiting AT THE SAME TIME!

The only downside to this is that I'm full of cold and feel terrible so I'm chain Lemsip drinking in a massive effort to be better. Regardless of this I'm determined to have the best time ever.

This weeks been a pretty bad week, not just because I'm ill... but you know what, it doesn't even matter!

Because I'll be with the people that do.

This is how we celebrate

I may have a few days off updating this, I'm going to be pretty busy BUT I have lots of ideas and will be back to share all :-)